Spreading the Gospel by helping people live Jesus-centered lives
1910 Marietta Rd. Lancaster, OH 43130
(740) 654-3992
Who We Are
...from the Pastor
Our mission is spreading the Gospel by helping people live Jesus-centered lives. Our goal is to know Christ, enjoy one another and invite others into this joy.
With this in mind, we hope that you sense God's presence among us, see Him at work in us, and join us in what God is doing. You will find all sorts here at Calvary: young and "older", new-to-the-faith and those well established; those mourning over trials and those rejoicing over personal victories; those struggling with deep sin and those who are exiting the "valley of the shadow of death".
As a people, we are followers of Christ in the mist of our own spiritual growth. We are not perfect and not without our hurts, habits, and hang ups. But we ARE together worshiping Jesus, together inviting others into this blessed life. We hope that we can be a part of your continued pursuit of Christ.
Your Friend and Co-Worker,
Pastor Mike Borland Pastor of Evangelism and Outreach